"Sport is an activity that involves more than the movement of the body; it demands the use of intelligence and the disciplining of the will." - Pope St. John Paul II
When choosing a mascot for our school we wanted to choose something that was unique and meaningful. We discovered the Halcyon, a kingfisher bird with a unique way of building its nest that vividly represents our mission at Sacred Heart for each scholar
“For whom is such a nest made if not for the chicks of the halcyon who constructs it through the love of God and divine, heavenly affection? But while the halcyon is constructing its nest and its baby birds are still too young to withstand the tossing of the waves, God takes care of them in his compassion, preventing the sea from engulfing them.
The supreme Goodness will also make the nests of your hearts secure with his holy love against the assaults of the enemy and keep them from being submerged.
Oh, How I love those birds that are surrounded by water but breathe only air, that hide themselves in the water but see only the sky. They float like fish but sing like birds. What I find captivating is that the anchor to keep them steady in the midst of the waves is above them and not below them.
May sweet Jesus be pleased to shape your hearts this way: Surrounded by the world and the flesh, you live in the spirit; in the midst of the vanities of this world, you live in heaven; living in the midst of human beings, you praise and love him with the angels. May the foundation of your hope always be on high and in paradise.”
– Padre Pio
Excellentia - Excellence in Academics Caritas - Charity in All Things Fidelitas - Fidelity to God and His Holy Church
1 Edward St. Welland Ontario L3C 5H2
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