An academically based classical education immersed in the truths and teachings of the Catholic Faith.
The Admissions process has been designed to ensure a good fit between Sacred Heart and your family. The unique nature of the school makes it very important that parents take time to pray and gather all the information they will need to begin the admissions process.
After contacting the school, your family will be invited to arrange for an after hours tour and interview with the Head of School. This gives both the school and the family the chance to get to know each other, ask questions and get an overall feel about the school and its expectations for students and families.
New admissions of scholars Grade 2 or above are invited to spend a day at Sacred Heart to experience a normal school day, participating in the routines and classes, which will further help everyone discern whether or not your child will flourish in our environment.
If both your family and the school decides, after prayerful consideration, to complete the admissions process, the family will fill out and submit the Application Form, the Pastoral Reference Form and sign and submit the Honour Code and Code of Conduct. These documents can be found on our Policies page
Excellentia - Excellence in Academics Caritas - Charity in All Things Fidelitas - Fidelity to God and His Holy Church
1 Edward St. Welland Ontario L3C 5H2
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